Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK), also known as butanone, is a solvent commonly used in various industrial processes such as painting, coating, and printing. This solvent is a colorless liquid and has a distinct pungent sweet odor. It can be found in nature, but it is typically produced industrially. Its properties make it useful as an industrial solvent, but its improper …
How to Dispose Your Hazardous Waste in Toronto
With the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) having a population of over 6 million people, it is common for most manufacturing companies to produce a substantial amount of hazardous waste – but getting rid of that hazardous waste is no easy task for businesses in Toronto. Given that hazardous waste is harmful to the environment, a good alternative to disposing of …
What is Hazardous Liquid Waste Disposal and Recycling?
Liquid hazardous waste can be a very harmful material to people, animals, and the environment. It is a byproduct from industries such as construction, water treatment systems, manufacturing, automotive garages, laboratories, hospitals, and a multitude of other industries. In order for it to be disposed of properly, there are procedures and steps that a company can take to make sure …